Your Website Bio: Don’t Just Set It & Forget It

I’m not sure if this is one of the reasons I’m passionate about marketing or not, but I used to really enjoy watching infomercials when I was a kid. I dreamed of refinishing some furniture with QRB, and was entranced by the latest vacuum seal technology. My friends and I even shot our own video advertising Squirt Pudding to our Jr High classmates! 

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Emily Kelchen
Ethical Social Media Use for the Modern Attorney

On December 14, 2022 at 12 PM Eastern, I will be joining forces with Sy Justin Sommer of LEAP Legal Software and Amanda Sexton of FocusWorks Marketing for a free CLE presentation that will cover the ethical issues you need to be aware of if you or your firm is posting on social media, as well as practical tips for getting the most out of your marketing efforts.

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What do you know about WisLawNOW?

Getting the most out of the professional and business associations you belong to is something I’m always talking about with my clients.

Most of these organizations have websites, newsletters, magazines, and social media accounts they need to fill with useful content. Some of them make a point of highlighting their members whenever possible. Putting yourself and your work forward when there is an opportunity to get before a bigger audience is a great way to raise your profile.

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Emily Kelchen