If you are a young associate or a solo practitioner, you are probably sick of hearing you need to network your way to being a successful lawyer. As if you had time to do that, or if you have time, knew where to start! It turns out the reason nobody seems to be able to explain exactly when or how to develop into a rainmaker is because the people who are good at this sort of thing think it needs no explanation. For the rest of us, here are four life hacks that will help you start to build a book of business.
Read MoreAttendees will walk away from this seminar with the tools they need to start blogging or podcasting to promote their firm. This includes a brand strategy, target audience assessment, and content creation calendar.
Read MorePeople in general, and lawyers especially, like to know how things work. We all worry that “kids these days” don’t know that the food on their plates isn’t magically generated by the grocery store. We watch videos on YouTube of people sawing common household items in half just to see what is inside. And as lawyers, we know that the evidence we can gather will make or break our cases. Figuring out how stuff works is just something we do. This is why it is surprising that a lot of lawyers cannot explain how they get the majority of the clients who walk in their door.
Read MoreJust like a car driving down the Turnpike, people emit a stream of digital exhaust as they cruise through life. Every phone call made, website visited, link clicked, and ad hovered over creates a ton of raw data that is collected, aggregated and used by companies to customize search results, provide a better user experience, and, of course, sell things.
Read MoreLast fall I was a guest on “The Bold Sidebar” podcast with Attorney Jeff Horn. We talked a lot about tailoring and measuring your marketing efforts, and a little bit about the Green Bay Packers.
Read MoreWe are all doing a lot of video conferencing these days, and those little webcams can make you look terrible. As someone who does a fair amount of video recording, I thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how to make yourself look better on screen.
Read MoreWhen people tell me they don’t know what to write about I tell them to write something they would like to read.
Read MoreEverything in our lives is going online, and that includes meetings and conferences. After suffering through one annual meeting, and enjoying another, I feel like I have some insights to share with anyone who is preparing for their first virtual conference.
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